Can you help us make Lane Cove an even better place to live?

Make a donation

The election is coming up 14 September 2024 and my team needs our community's support to get me elected on council.

We are a teeny, tiny independent team! The major parties have big donors - but we don't.

We run off the love and support of our friends, family and community.

Every donation helps. 

  • $25 can help us with social media ads

  • $50 can help us with this website

  • $80 could help us print flyers

  • $150 could help us print signage

  • $250 could help us print more how to vote cards

Donate now

 By Clicking 'Donate now' - I declare that:

(1) If the donation is made in an individual capacity, I am enrolled on the electoral roll or I have supplied to the NSW Electoral Commission identification that is acceptable to the NSW Electoral Commission showing the individual’s full name and an Australian residential address; and if the donation is made by an organisation, the ABN provided above is true and accurate.

(2) This donation is not made by or on behalf of a "prohibited donor" (being a property developer', 'tobacco industry business entity' or 'liquor or gambling industry business entity'), or a 'close associate' of a 'prohibited donor' as defined in Division 6 of Part 3 of the Election Funding Act 2018 (NSW).

(3) If I make a political donation of $1,000 or more (in a single contribution or aggregated within a financial year), I must complete and lodge a declaration with the NSW Electoral Commission in accordance with section 12 of the Electoral Funding Act 2018. A political donation includes a contribution or entry fee or an annual or other subscription. I accept that I must also disclose a political donation of less than $1,000 if the total amount of political donations made by me in respect of the same party (or associated entity), elected member, group, candidate, third-party campaigner or person in the same financial year is $1,000 or more. Penalties apply for failing to lodge a declaration.