Coffee and Crafting in the Cove

A while back I discovered that fellow Councillor, Kathy Bryla, shared an interest in crafting. We both use it for stress relief!

So we decided that crafting might be a nice way to connect with our community. There’s been lots of research on the mental health benefits of working with your hands and the social benefits of crafting with others and it’s sometimes nice to just be able to sit quietly while keeping those hands busy. So, we’re trialing a monthly craft and coffee day. Nibu Cafe has generously provided us with a table on Friday 23rd February 11 am for one hour.

Craft projects not necessarily a requirement to join us. Hope to see you there for a bit of a yarn :) - pun intended!

Bridget Kennedy

Bridget Kennedy is an independent Councillor for Lane Cove Council’s Central Ward. A committed and passionate advocate for people and the environment, Bridget devotes her time to initiatives that foster community connection.

Sign the e-petition - Increase Penalties for Urban Forest Tree Vandalism and Recognise Trees as Natural Assets


Proposed Changes to Housing - call for submissions