Sign the petition - Increase Penalties for Urban Forest Tree Vandalism and Recognise Trees as Natural Assets

As a new councillor, I've long highlighted our trees as vital assets, especially after the devastating illegal removal of nearly 300 trees in November 2023. Help push for change by signing this petition urging the NSW State Government to implement stricter penalties for tree vandalism and recognize council trees on asset registers.

Please help put pressure on the State govt by signing this petition which calls on the NSW State Government to legislate for much higher penalties for tree vandalism so that they adequately reflect the value of this critical natural asset, as well as urges the NSW State Government to recognize council trees on their asset register.

Reports of tree vandalism are rising across Sydney, with over 1000 incidents in 2023 alone. Lane Cove Council aims to prosecute the offenders, but legal battles can be costly and uncertain.

Our federal member, Kylea Tink, has contacted state ministers about this issue. You can read the letters here and here. And in December 2023, Lane Cove Council passed a resolution to lobby for change alongside neighboring councils.

Current fines for tree vandalism in NSW are low compared to other regions like the ACT, where fines can reach $80,000. Councils lack the resources for thorough investigations, and prosecutions are rare due to high burdens of proof.

Fines can reach $1 million for individuals and $5 million for companies if successfully prosecuted through the Land and Environment Court.  

However, Councils aren’t resourced to carry out the criminal-level investigations required that would normally be the job of the police. One of the issues is that unless you get an admission of guilt or have strong evidence of WHO actually was responsible, the burden of proof is too high and the chances of prosecution low. Councils don’t have the same powers of investigation that police have and as a result, can hit dead ends in an investigation.

Whilst tree vandalism is illegal under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, between 2018 and 2022, only 19 cases relating to trees, vegetation or biodiversity were prosecuted by councils in the Land and Environment Court.

 Urban trees are crucial for health, well-being, and climate resilience. We need stronger support from the NSW Government to investigate and prosecute tree vandals and to properly value our urban canopy.

Let's pressure the state government to act by signing this petition to increase penalties for tree vandalism and protect our tree canopy by amending the NSW Local Government Act 1993 to recognize trees as "natural capital" or "natural assets."


Until the value of the view of a tree is greater than the view of a harbour, things may not change. We need to have trees included in a Council’s asset register.

What to do if you spot a vandalised tree wherever you live in NSW.

  • If your council uses SnapSendSolve (Lane Cove Council does), upload photos of the tree to the app

  • Or, call your Council Ranger to report a potential illegal tree being cut down

  • Otherwise, take photos of the tree/s and the surrounding area, as well as close-up photos of anything indicating poisoning or other damage. Email your local council. Be sure to include the specific location of the site.

Bridget Kennedy

Bridget Kennedy is an independent Councillor for Lane Cove Council’s Central Ward. A committed and passionate advocate for people and the environment, Bridget devotes her time to initiatives that foster community connection.

Sign the e-petition - Increase Penalties for Urban Forest Tree Vandalism and Recognise Trees as Natural Assets